This week we contacted a ton, and we found 14 new investigators out of it, and two new families. One day we were looking for a referral in an area that has pretty much no investigators in it, no one there has accepted any missionary activity for a while. As we were searching for this referral out of no where some guy yells out to us from his shop "hey do you guys have a pamphlet of something I can read?" We did haha. So we talked to him a little bit and it turns out hes been looking around at the different churches and wants to know more about ours. We got his address and we will be visiting him this week. Miracle #1 in this "dead part" or our area. After this experience we kept looking around for this referral, one thing that is really hard about Mexico is that the addresses here either dont exist or they make no sense. In the same street one house might have the number 1 and the house right next to it is #324, so its a little tricky to find referrals even on a good day. As we were looking around some guy just hanging out in the street asked us who we were looking for, turns out this guy knows the area really well and is an active member of the church in another part of Durango. He pointed us in the right direction and we were on our way. Miracle #2. Long story short we didn't end up finding that referral but instead ran into a family of 5 who are all super interested in our message. They accepted right way the story of Joseph Smith and asked us where and when we go to church, Golden Family!
A second thing that happened this week is the bishop in our ward is going crazy to try and get every member active in the missionary effort in the area. So we will be going around to EVERY members house in the ward this week to share with them parts of preach my gospel and "train" them how to contact, give out Books of Mormon, and so on. Hahaha not gonna lie the members weren't exactly excited at the idea but they agreed to do it.
Finally the crowning moment of this week, I had exchanges with my District Leader, and I'm not gonna lie, I don't like exchanges, so as we left to go out to work I wasn't in the best of moods. The first lesson we taught was to a guy who has recently had a TON of family problems, and hes pretty angry at God right now. He wants to know how, if God really loved him, he could let all this happen. We started talking to him about how trials are for our ultimate benefit if we can just learn from them and whatnot, and finally to finish up because honestly we weren't making a lot of headway with this guy, we just shared a simple scripture, that is now one of my favorites.
DC 18:10-11. He read the first verse through super fast just to get this lesson over with, then he finished it and his eyes got really big and he read it again under his breath, and then he started to cry. The Spirit was so strong as this man realized in one simple, easy verse he is worth something, God did care. The feeling was so humbling and so comforting.
DC 18:10 - Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
Its one sentence that sums up our purpose both as children of God and as missionaries. I was so humbled as not only this man got the answer he needed, but I also got a reminder from my Heavenly Father why I'm here and to stop having an attitude when I have to do what is required. It's so awesome to think that the thing that is of the most worth to God - the human soul - he trusts in the hands of 19 year old kids. Gotta step it up man.
Elder Roberts
"God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a
brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are
capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to
Him.” —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency
“You Matter to Him,” Oct. 2011 general conference