Thursday, July 17, 2014

Planting seeds in new area

This new area literally couldn't be more different than my last. First of all there are crazy flash floods, literally one minute it is sunny and the next the streets are completely flooded.

Second everyone here rejects us, they say they already have a religion and are "devout". Its weird though when we ask them where they have their church services or what was the last thing they learned in church they come out and tell us "oh well I haven't been to church in a long time"....okay....

Catholic Cathedral

LDS Branch "House of prayer"

The biggest change though is definitely the branch here. We meet in a "house of prayer" which is a tiny building where 15 members come to worship. There are two other priesthood holders besides us elders and both are military so we are the only priesthood in the building the majority of the time. We have to bless the sacrament, conduct the meetings, teach the classes, and keep moral high. Hahahaha when I introduced myself in sacrament they thought I said my name was Elder Robin, so now they all call me Robin Hood, cuz I'm the only white thing for miles. There hasn't been a white elder here for a long time and all the kids stare at me like I'm a freakin alien ahhahaaa.
As far as the work here goes, there is a lot, we just gotta find the people willing to accept us. We had ten lessons for the whole freaking week and contacted all day every day. Don't get me wrong though I'm liking the area, its super pretty and we gotta just find our golden investigators. Not a lot more to say to be honest... Pray for our success please.

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