Monday, March 10, 2014

Edification and Progression

Dear Friends and Family,

Don't have a lot of time so I just wanted to share two quick things.

1) I have been studying and thinking a lot about God our Father and who He really is. Here is some of my insights this week. D&C 50:23-24 - Edify that is what Father is. He is perfect and we are fallen, and honestly, nothing in comparison.  So His whole purpose in giving us the Spirit is to edify, or build us. God is progression. If you have prompts or thoughts that are negative, tear you down, are discouraging, or make it so you no longer want to talk to Father, than it's not edifying, and so is not of God. It's weird to think about but honestly everything of God is progression even if it feels like your taking steps back or don't see where your going.

2) I was also reading in Alma 32 this week, I have probably read this chapter 30 times since coming on my mission, I think this one and Moroni 7 are two of the most interesting and inciteful chapters in the Book of Mormon. After studying edification I realized this ¨growth¨ that Alma is talking about in this chapter is the exact same thing. ¨If the seed groweth it is good, if it groweth not, cast it away.¨ 

Anyway if you had to plan a Sunday School lesson this week your welcome. Haha things here are good and I'm just pushing along. No really big experiences this week, just teaching and obviously learning.

Keep the faith
Elder Roberts

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