Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Families Can Be Together Forever this is the message of the gospel!

First thing I gotta say about this week is I didn't really think much of soccer before, its kinda boring and I didn't get why everyone outside of America likes it but after this week I hate it. HATE IT. The world cup started this week so there is literally no one that wanted to hear about anything except what we thought about this player or team. HAHA and the best part is my companion loves soccer and knows everything about every player, so its a challenge for him to focus, but we do what we gotta do. I really don't get it, its two hours of guys running up and down the field over and over and they are lucky if they get 3 goals in those two hours... and its the same thing for every game. haha and el mundial (world cup) is a month long of like 3 games a day, every day. haha its gonna be a tough month man.

But yeah it was a good week. We were a little sparse on lessons because of the above mentioned problem but overall still a good week. The highlight of the week was obviously the baptism of Fam. C. Everything about it was awesome. Since I got here we have had a total of 10 baptisms in mine and Elder S's companionship and every one of them is really cool but every one of them has been either a single woman or a mom and her daughter. We have never baptized a man, and so never a whole family, and let me tell you a family baptism is 100000X cooler. The spirit is so much stronger but also just the feeling of love and support is unreal. I love this family, every time I see Hmo C he always says "anda con todo Roberts!" (its kinda like Elder Roberts gets it done!) Haha needless to say I was pretty excited to baptize this guy and see his family take the first step toward eternity. 

During the baptism of a family you look at these people and it becomes so real the point of the gospel. Personal salvation is important but salvation of families is our real goal. Hmo C. is one of the most sincere people I have ever met in his desire to please the Lord. He was so excited and humbled when we told him he could receive the priesthood and baptize his own daughter next month (his wife is already a member and his oldest daughter could be baptized with him and her sisters but she has a date in July). I got the privilege to baptize him and Elder Salazar baptized the two younger girls. I really never have had such an appreciation for the need for the gospel in families until I saw how happy they were together after the baptism. 

There is always something weird that happens at baptisms though, always, and this time it was Hmo C. came wearing a white shirt but with silver stitching and black buttons. One of the other elders insisted it had to be completely white so he switched shirts with him. Hmo C. is a pretty skinny guy, and is about 5' 9". The Elder is a thicker kid and is around 6' 1" - so I had to dunk this poor man while he was wearing a tent, meanwhile we had some crazy white kid wandering around the chapel in spandex.... Always something. 

Side note Hma  D showed up for the baptism. She has a lot of health problems but managed to come. She is an investigator we have had for a while but was a Jehovah Witness so has a lot of doubts, but she's coming around. Pray for her and C C por favor. 

But for real, this week showed me how covenants and the gospel really does strengthen families in a way I had never really noticed before. Church is true man.

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