Monday, October 26, 2015

The Gospel really does change lives

It was a really good week. We were contacting this week and we knocked on the door and a lady peeked out her window and asked us what we were doing, we told her we were missionaries and she asked us to share a message with her, so we shared about the restoration and about the family, it was a really good lesson, but the best happened at the end. She said that she would say the closing prayer and as she said it she started to cry and thanked God for sending her two angels to teach her the truth. We were both a little stunned. We went back two days latter, she had read the pamphlet we had given her and her boyfriend (theyre in the process of getting married) was there as well. We asked her why she had said those words in her prayer and she started to tell us how she was born in a catholic family but never believed that it was true, then she had listened to the jehovahs witnesses for three years but afterward she felt like she was more confused than ever. She stopped looking for a while until she and her boyfriend started to feel the need to find God, so she told us she prayed to ask God to help her know what to do.....and we showed up a day later. This is not one of those lame missionary stories that we hear about all the time, this really did happen, it was amazing. Both of them are reading and praying and went to church. It never ceases to amaze me that God can take two 20 year old kids that are wandering around hoping to find somebody and can put them in the exact right place and the exact right time.

Another miracle, We have an investigator that has gone through hell. He is an ex alchoholic, he has no money, he has no education, he has nothing. When we found him he was completely lost and we honestly didnt think he was going to progress, he just seemed like the million other people that are in trouble and that tell us they need Gods help until they realize that it takes a little effort on their part so they stop listening to us. But he's not, he is completely different. He has gone to church for 4 months, he has cleaned his house, he stopped smoking, drinking, his "friends" make fun of him and tell him hes an idiot for listening to us but he just lets it go and walks away, he has bought new clothes so that he can go to church and got a job so he can progress in life. And yesterday he paid his tithing. 

In the mission we have the opportunity to see people that have lost themselves in the lies of the world. They have hit rock bottom, and that really feel like it can never be okay again. We find them, and we teach them, and if they will apply the gospel that we teach them (that Christ Himself taught) in their lives they really do change. They. Really. Do. Change. God gives us as missionaries the opportunity to see with out own eyes, His hand in the lives of His children as He lifts them up, dusts em off, and carries them to where He wants them to be. Christ carries each and every one of them, and us, out of hell. The gospel has to be true because nothing that I do or say can change and save people like I have seen this message change and save people over and over again. 

Elder Roberts

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