Monday, December 29, 2014

Simple solid testimony of the humble

Well we spent the majority of this week rubbing shoulders with the zone leaders and freezing  in their house, Mexico is very cold in the winter man! Haha but we actually had a really fun Christmas together. We bought a ton of food, A TON, like steak, and sausage, and pie and candy and ate til we got sick (second time in Mexico that that has happened, the other time was with the sister in Durango who gave us each a cake, yes I'm still talking about it and will until the day I die).

We also went to the mission house and had a dinner with president, had multi-zone activities, I SAW A SNOWMAN IN TORROEN!!! I don't know how, it's cold but there is no snow so who knows how it got there. But after like 4 days of Christmas festivities we had to return to our beloved Tlahualilo and work again.

When we got back we had a really cool experience with a less active here named C. He is a very poor, and uneducated man, but his biggest trial is that he has a lot of problems with his past, he is an ex missionary but made some bad choices and was eventually excommunicated. After 8 years he decided to repent and be baptized again. He was re-baptized about 3 years ago but to this day he can not and will not forgive himself. He lives with the idea that Christ's atonement is sufficient for everyone except him (I would actually say that is a very common lie of Satan, I hate that guy). So he went inactive after a while and when I got here he was pretty depressed.

Little by little we have helped him accept what the atonement and repentance means and this week he was completely different. He has gone with us for 3 to 4 hours every day to help us find people here in Tlahualilo. He has given us the names of several families and we are finding old investigators through him as well. Last night we had a lesson about the Book of Mormon with him present and I asked him to share his testimony of the Book of Mormon, and he did, and there was nothing flashy or special about his testimony but I felt the power of his testimony about the Book of Mormon. He really does know that it's true and as I looked at him bearing his testimony I felt the Holy Ghost carry his simple words to us and make them powerful. I felt Gods love for him, I can't really explain what it was, but as I looked at this guy who has been beat down by doubt, sin, and Satan for years I felt a small part of the love the Christ must have for him. His simple testimony was made powerful by the Holy Ghost.

One time Brigham Young talked about hearing the testimony of an uneducated man and how He (Brigham Young) received a witness of the Holy Ghost through the simple testimony of his friend. I too now have felt that and that truly it is not a knowledge of the gospel nor the doctrine that will give us success, nor is it speaking in perfect Spanish, nor the charisma or talent of the missionaries that will help people truly come unto Christ, but the simple solid testimony of the humble. I know that is true.

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